Blackheads Naturally

blackheads, health beauty, beauty treatment, healthy heart

The existence of blackheads is that makes people uncomfortable. Blackheads usually affect teenagers who are in puberty. Typically, the face covered by a lot of blackheads is part of the nose and chin. If not immediately removed from the skin pores, blackheads will turn into pimples. However, if we take it out forcibly and then cause injury, the injury also can interfere with the appearance of your face.
Then, how to solve the problem of blackheads properly and appropriately ?, Here I will give full review.
The first way you can do to eradicate blackheads is to limit the consumption of greasy foods. Greasy foods contain fats that can cause blackheads and pimples. Therefore, to limit eating greasy foods that you can easily solve the problem of blackheads.

The next way is frequent washing of the face. You should know, blackheads are formed from a lazy habit of washing your face. Blackheads are formed from piles of dead skin cells and pollutants that stick to the pores of your skin. Gradually, dead skin cells will be fused with pollution and form blackheads living in the pores of the face. To overcome these problems, you must be diligent wash your face using facial foam that matches your skin type.

The third way is to use hot water vapor. You only need to prepare a bucket and hot water. Place the hot water in a bucket and then confronted your face over hot water is so affected by the steam. After a warm and wet push your facial area is overgrown comedones by using special pemencet. If you do not have it, you can squeeze by hand. However, be careful because if it is too hard then face will be exposed to irritants. Perform the above activities each day so that your face is always clean from blackheads.

The fourth way is to use a white chicken eggs. Besides delicious eaten, it turns out chicken eggs can also be utilized as a mask repellent blackheads. The trick is to wet your face using chicken egg white. Let stand until dry and then rinse using cold water. For maximum results, do the above activity routine every 2 days.

The fifth way is to use aloe vera. Aloe vera gel is not only able to overcome the problem of hair but also able to overcome the problem of blackheads. The trick is to use aloe vera gel as a mask. Let stand until dry and then wash using cold water. Perform this activity routine every two days.

The sixth way is to use lemon juice. If you usually lemon juice made into a refreshing drink, lemon fruit is now also widely used as a repellent blackheads. That is because lemon juice contains vitamin C in large quantities. Vitamin C that will dislodge blackheads and make your skin look more fresh. How to get these benefits is easy, you just have to wet your face by using lemon juice. Let stand until dry and then rinse using clean water. The way to do routine 2 times a week.

If you want an easier way, you can buy beauty products blackhead remover. Usually these products are sold in the form of plaster. You just need to attach the plaster on the face of the many areas overgrown with blackheads then peeling-off after a while. However, to buy this product you must pay more than the natural way.

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