Various Benefits of Papaya for Health and Treat Disease

Papaya is known as fresh fruit contains vitamins and fiber, but the benefits of papaya is more than just giving supply of vitamins, water and fiber. Papaya, good fruit, leaves and flowers have a variety of uses, ranging from reducing acne, digestion, to help cure serious diseases such as malaria, high blood pressure, and even worms. Fruit, papaya leaves and flowers have long been used traditionally, and you can find parts papaya easily to food and health potions

Natural Ingredients and Benefits of Papaya.
Many people already know that papaya contains vitamin A and fiber, but not just that. Papaya contains other vitamins such as vitamin C, E and K. Papaya contains various important minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and calcium, so as to include papaya fruit in the daily diet can help heal the body. Other nutritional components include beta-carotene, as well as enzymes such as lutein, papain, and saponins. Papaya leaves and flowers also contain a small amount of nutritional components mentioned above, and is known as a medicinal and nutritious food. Carica papaya is even known as a traditional remedy for malaria.

Papaya benefits of various enzymes that it contains not only nourish the body and aid digestion, but also nourish the skin, encouraging the production of breast milk, as well as accelerating the release of toxins from the body because unhealthy food. Papaya and various other parts of the plant that can be eaten alone, mixed with other materials, or applied as an ingredient for the skin.

Papaya Recipes for Traditional Medicine.
Easy way to get the properties of papaya naturally by eating, good fruit, leaves, and flowers. However, there are a variety of ways utilizing papaya for health, for example:

Heal blisters.
Blisters due to contact with hot water or sunburn can be cured with sap and papaya. The trick, hack papaya fruit skin until you get the sap, then apply onto the skin and allowed to stand for 24 hours. Or, for easier, mashed papaya pulp and apply to the skin that melepih, let stand for 24 hours (can be wrapped in gauze).

Ulcers, constipation, and heartburn.
These three diseases may seem very different, but can be overcome if you eat papaya regularly. Eat one papaya a day (can be cut into pieces and rationed to eat three times a day) on a regular basis, until the symptoms of the disease is reduced. To heal canker sores, papaya could be running water lemon, oranges or lemons, that contain lots of vitamin C.

Accelerate the healing of acne.
Papaya leaves have enzymes that can kill acne bacteria and accelerating deflation. The trick is to dry in the sun a few pieces of old papaya leaves to dry, then puree with boiled water and squeezed. Use papaya leaf juice squeezed it over the acne regularly, every day, until healed acne. This can be tested in cystic acne (acne jeras the pain and trouble deflated).

Accelerate the healing of toothache.
Toothache caused by bacterial activity can be quickly cured by an enzyme from papaya latex. The trick is to hack the young papaya fruit skin until you get the sap, and then drop it into the top surface of the tooth pain. However, if you are pregnant, you should not do this because papaya latex may be swallowed. Papaya latex is not recommended ingested by pregnant women.

Cure intestinal worms (due roundworms).
Wormy due to roundworms very commonly experienced by children, and herb seeds of papaya can be used to cure this disease. The trick, crushed 2 eggs papaya seeds, put it in a glass and pour ½ cup hot water and add a little honey pure. Stir until smooth, then taken once a day every day until the worms have been successfully treated.

Cure malaria.
Enzymes in papaya leaves is believed to be a potent drug for malaria. The trick, learned lots of papaya leaves, wash, then pounded until the number reached ½ cup. Pour ¾ of warm water along with a pinch of salt, then squeezed. Strain the water and drink 3 times a day. Do it regularly until the symptoms of malaria is reduced, minimal up during the week. Do not overlook medical treatment, and accompanied by treatment from your doctor if necessary.

Cure vaginal discharge.
Papaya leaves can help cure a chronic vaginal discharge, with mixed spices and other traditional materials in manufacturing. The trick, washed and sliced ​​papaya leaf wide enough, then boiled in 1.5 liters of water with a little pulasari and 50 grams of grass roots dry (do not forget to be washed). After boiling, strain, and then wait until lukewarm. Drink a glass of this concoction once a day, regularly, to discharge recovered.

Expedite the release of ASI.
If you have problems with the quantity of breast milk, pick some papaya leaves rather large, and create withered over the stove (do not burn). After so wilted and warm, paste in the breast area. Do it every day on a regular basis.

Eating papaya on a regular basis and consume papaya leaves and flowers (such as vegetables) is enough to give you the health benefits. However, by utilizing a variety of recipes above, you can obtain the benefits of papaya were more varied.

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