7 Easy Tips to Maintain Healthy Eyes

Eyes are organs of the most important and should be maintained properly. A person who has a healthy eye can certainly see the beauty of the world with ease. With healthy eyes you will be easy to do activities. Everybody does want to have healthy eyes. However, unfortunately not everyone has healthy eyes.
And for those of you who still have healthy eyes you need to keep and maintain the health of your eyes to avoid the various diseases of the eye. Eye disease that often interfere with a person whom is nearsighted, myopia, presbiopi, cataracts, hipermetropi, and so forth. Then, is there any surefire way to prevent the eye disease?

Diseases of the eye will easily be experienced by someone if you can not keep it properly. Bad habits and lack of care can facilitate disease up to your eye. For it does not occur below are 7 easy tips to keep your eyes healthy to stay healthy.

1. Note the distance from the eye to read books.
When you're reading a book that should be read with the distance being and not too close to the eyes. the ideal distance between the eyes when reading the book is 30 cm. If it exceeds 30 cm eye will be susceptible to disease myopia or nearsightedness. So adjust the distance of the book you're reading.

2. Do not read while sleeping position.
For you fans of the book and spent her days to read the book then do not get to read a book with the wrong position. Despite reading a book to sit down if too long to make tired but not to read a book with a sleeping position. Reading books with sleep can make eyes sore and over time will make the eye disease myopia. This can happen because the eyes work harder than a sitting position.

3. Rest your eyes well.
As with other organs, the eyes also need enough rest. If the eye for too long a long day in front of a computer or laptop to work on a task then rest your eyes enough so that the muscles of the eyes are not strained and can relax again. Break enough eyes are also very functional for your eye health.

4. Do not often rubbed his eyes.
So that the eyes remain healthy then do not get often rubbed his eyes. Moreover, rubbed his eyes in a state of dirty hand. Dirty hands will make the infected eye because of germs which will enter into the eye. Besides the eye that often dikucek will also make eye health for the worse. So do not often rubbed his eyes if you do not want to hurt your eyes.

5. Eat foods that maintain healthy eyes.
In addition to not do things that can make the eye disease you also need to keep the eye from the inside. that is by eating a healthy diet and can provide vitamins to the eye. The food was good for maintaining eye health are foods that contain vitamin A. Vitamin A is often obtained from fruits and vegetables. Vegetables that contain vitamin A are carrots. Carrots in the trust can provide a positive thing for the health of the eye. So keep your eyes by eating foods containing vitamin A.

6. Blink eye.
Frequent blinking eye will make the eyes become supple and eye muscles are not tense. Try to often winked intensity slightly increased. One activity that requires you to regularly wink is when you're focused look at a computer screen or laptop. As light from the screen can make eye muscles become tense. With a wink of the eye on a regular basis will not feel any pain or soreness.

7. Provide sufficient light.
Light is also becoming one of the things that affect the eye. When you're doing the work and requires the eyes to move it not to use the dim light. Less lighting will make your eyes hurt and can not work properly. So look for enough light so that the eye can work well.

That's 7 tips that you can do to maintain good eye health. May be useful.

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