Causes of Obesity

There are many things that can be a cause of obesity. You may not realize that obesity is very dangerous. Have excess weight can cause you to develop many diseases. Obesity does not happen in a short time. You will not realize that your weight will increase continuously. This can be caused by diet and your life is wrong.

The main cause of obesity is too many calories consumed by the body. This body of calories consumed is greater than the daily calorie intake. Obesity should be treated promptly so that you do not have other diseases that are harmful to health. Here a wide range of disease-causing obesity:

1. One of the causes of the disease of obesity is heredity or genetics. If any member of your family who have excess weight then this may also be lowered to you. But genetic factors does not mean inevitable. You can avoid obesity by making healthy lifestyle.

2. Factor family environment is also one of the causes of obesity. If in the family have been taught to consume unhealthy foods then obesity will be more frequent. Obesity can affect anyone. For that, change your lifestyle and family into a healthy lifestyle, so avoid obesity.

3. Lack of sleep has also become one of the things that cause obesity. If you are sleep deprived, there will be changes in hormones in the body. One of the hormones that change is the appetite hormones. For that, try to sleep enough so that no changes in appetite hormones.

4. Pregnancy can also cause obesity. At the time of pregnancy, the nutritional intake will be increased than before. This will cause an increase in appetite after childbirth even several years later. This is going to cause hard to lose weight after giving birth. You can change your diet slowly so that it can help to lose weight after giving birth.

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