Here's seven Tips Increases Healthy Weight Loss

Having an ideal body weight is the hope of everyone. But in reality, there are among us who have two problems related to weight loss such as too fat or too skinny even. For problems too thin is also included for those who experience serious problems. This is because they do not know the variety of foods that could be a solution enhancer weight.
Then, is there any tips on healthy weight gain that ... ???

Adding weight for those who are too thin can begin with sufficient calories more than the needs of those who already have the ideal body weight such as eating a variety of foods for weight gain it. Here are some tips that may be the best solution for you to gain weight. So that it can obtain the ideal body weight in a healthy way as well. Health tips. Here are 7 tips to gain weight healthy you:

The first tip is to consume a variety of healthy foods containing carbohydrates. A variety of these foods are fruits, vegetables, brown rice and other foods made from wheat such as bread and cereals. Especially for wheat, food is one type of food that is rich in fiber and nutrients needed by your body.

Tips latter with sufficient proteins required by our body. Healthy protein sources can come from fish, chicken and nuts that can meet the needs of protein needed by your body.

Next tip is to meet the needs of fat needed by the body. Sources of healthy fats such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6. Sources of omega-3 can be obtained from fish and walnuts, while omega-6 can be obtained from vegetable oils such as sunflower seed oil, coconut and corn.

Next tip is to meet the needs of the vitamins required by your body. Sources of vitamin can be obtained from a wide variety of fruits on kenyataaanya is a source of vitamins needed by your body.

Next tip with sufficient minerals required by your body. The mineral resources can be obtained from fruits, vegetables, nuts, red meat, milk and cheese.
Next tip is to meet fluid requirements needed by our body. The fluid source you can get from drinking water in sufficient quantity that is required by your body. Drinking eight glasses of water a day can be enough fluids in your body.

Tips seventh is by doing sports activities. Sanga sports activities is also good for maintaining your health and can make your body appear unbiased and healthy too and does not make the body to sag because of the excess fat in your body.

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