Eliminate Acne Naturally
How to get rid of acne naturally that is the topic that will be discussed this time. Acne is a scourge for everyone and most feared by teenagers after start growing up. This is because they have started to keep up appearances in order to get the attention of the opposite sex. Therefore if their facial acne would be very disturbing their confidence.
I myself frankly not like acne, in addition to making our faces unsightly, sometimes painful. Therefore information on how to get rid of acne is very important. Besides acne scars can also damage your face, because the raised black spots from acne. Sometimes acne scars can also make your face into a hollow (small) that is very difficult to cure.
Germs and bacteria are the main factors causing the occurrence of acne on your face. If the face is already infected then arises acne on your face. And to eliminate it quite difficult, many people have a lot of money for the sake of eliminating the stubborn acne. The means used were diverse, ranging from laser acne, clinic, spa, to perform skin surgery.
How To Eliminate Acne With Natural Ingredients Utilizing.
Acne itself is a condition in which the skin pores clogged causing pockets of pus and inflamed, that's the sense I got from wikipedia.
Various Kinds of Acne Causes:
-Excessive oil production.
-Skin cells are dead.
-Mobile phone.
Food (such as eggs, peanuts, etc.).
Of the several causes of the above, it is most often the cause of acne is excessive oil production and bacteria. This is because most of the people in Indonesia, many producing excess oil on the face, probably due to the climate of our country that the majority of the tropics. Bacteria also often the cause of acne is, maybe it caused them lazy to wash your face when the activity outside, so the bacteria will easily stick to their faces.
How to Eliminate Acne Naturally.
After knowing the various causes of acne above, so how do I get rid of acne is? Relax, here I will share some tips or how to get rid of acne naturally, because of the natural way is better than with drugs (chemical effect is not even good for your face). Here's some natural ways to remove acne you can do anywhere.
How to Eliminate Acne Read below:
1. How to remove acne The first is to always wash your face when you feel your face is dirty and a lot of oil. Try not to overuse facial cleansers, because it's not good for your face. Just use clean water only, and make sure your hands are clean when you wash your face.
2. Aloe vera is also natural ingredients you can use as a way to eliminate your acne. Easy ways to stay cutting the aloe vera into sections continue to apply on your face.
3. Drinking water is also said to eliminate acne. Drink water as much as possible, because water is good for the metabolic processes in your body, and will clean the dirt that is in your body.
4. Consumption of fruits and vegetables and avoid a lot of oily or fatty foods, because acne will easily arise when there is excess oil on your face.
5. You can also use some of the fruits and plants to get rid of acne on the face you include tomatoes, cucumber, papaya, lemon, garlic, horseradish, honey and it also can eliminate acne on the face you. How to use these materials rub one on your face, then washed with clean water.
How to remove acne further is to use honey.
Kencur rice can also be used to eliminate acne. How easy once lived wash your face with rice water kencur regularly. In addition to the acne is gone, your face will look brighter and white.
Egg white turns out to have a good efficacy as well to get rid of acne. how to use it is quite easy, you just greasing the egg white on the face (such as use of masks) after waiting for 30 minutes then rinse with warm water. How to remove acne with egg whites should be done with a routine to get maximum results.
How to remove acne latter is to avoid oily foods such as fried foods and others. Because oily foods may trigger acne on your face.
Already Not How to Eliminate Acne?
Now that's some tips or how to get rid of acne naturally, and in fact there are many more ways to eliminate acne, may be discussed again in other occasions.