Ylang flowers and Usefulness

Who is not familiar with the plant this one? Kenanga is one kind of plant that is commonly found in Indonesia. Fragrance out of the flower is very typical and usually their parents use it as a relic of interest for a variety of ritual purposes to be mixed with various other flowers are then used for various purposes such as a splash in the wedding ceremonies of Java. No wonder so many who think that this flower is one flower that is closely related to the world of the occult. In fact, if seen, there are many uses of this greenish-yellow flowers in human lives.

For those who are less familiar with ylang flowers, there are some typical characteristics that you need to know as the trunk that it can grow up to 20 meters tall. With this type of stem hardwood timber that makes this plant is often used as an ingredient to muffle the sound. Or also used to keperluaan tools in acoustic music. For the leaves have a natural luster and a length of slender. Typical flower itself is colored bright yellow-green shape a little curl inward. This flower contains natural oils that fragrance named Cananga oil. Usually many are using this as an original oil aromatherapy essential oils for various purposes such as spa. Usually the flowers have leaves numbered 6 and one crown.

Kenanga is one of the wild plants but in Indonesia, many planted in the yard of citizens and often also used as flower blushes when someone dies. For families keratin, since the first is already using this plant as one needs to take care and scent the body naturally. Usually defloration this morning before sunrise because it aims to Cananga oil in it does not evaporate remember evaporate very quickly if it is exposed to sunlight. The color chosen is already yellow. In this plant is known to contain several compounds such as flavonoids, essential oils, polyphenols and saponins.

In Indonesia, ylang flower efficacy is usually used as an ingredient in maintaining a healthy body naturally such as nausea, dizziness, headache and fever, menstrual pain, joint pain and muscle aches. Usually the classical way in the use of this plant is to brew freshly harvested flowers in a glass of hot water and water to drink after warm. But there are also some easy recipes that you can make at home to take advantage of this interest to solve some problems such as the following:

As the herb after childbirth.
Childbirth is a long process and stressful, because it is maternal need to gain strength after strength drained away while giving birth to a baby into the world. Kenanga can be used as a herbal medicine after childbirth to help future recovery of pregnant women. The trick is to prepare some of the flowers are still quite young, and wood Rapet, key pepet, turmeric, pegatsih, jalawe and also jakeling. Blend all ingredients above then brewed or boiled and filtered water to the boil. The herb drink 3 times a day.

Overcoming bronchitis.
This is one disease that is quite disturbing and make the quality of life of sufferers become less good. Processing method is to prepare two ylang petals dry and then boiled water with 2 cups water to boil and water by half. After a cold drink the cooking water 2x a day.

Drug shortness of breath.
For those who have had the disease or shortness of breath could use this traditional herb to recover. The trick is to take 3 dried flowers, wash thoroughly clean and brewed with hot water 1 cup starfruit and cover tightly for a moment. Once warm, strain the mixture and drink the water in the morning and evening regularly.

Overcoming skin disease.
Skin clean and glowing certainly a dream of all people. But if it is already exposed skin disease course, must be addressed immediately. The trick is to prepare as much as 50 grams ylang and finely sliced. Then after that and then give the pure coconut oil as much as 20 cc then warmed briefly. Wait until cool and rub the oil on all parts of the skin of the sick. Do this several times every day until cured.

Scent the body naturally and cope with bad body odor.
Having a fragrant body is an honor for anyone who is near you will definitely feel comfortable. But sometimes there is someone who has a bad body odor and this is something quite disturbing. To cope with this can use potions from ylang flowers by way of interest and then take 15 grams of finely chopped and give rock sugar to taste. Then boiled with 600 ml of water and wait for it to boil and water by half. Drink 2 times a day on a regular basis with each dose of 150 ml at a time.

One more properties spesiap from ylang flowers are as mosquito repellent. These flowers contain oil that is believed to make the mosquitoes do not like approaching. Spray it on the body of essential interest and enjoy a comfortable night without interruption mosquitoes are stubborn. But unfortunately, spray oil price is still high because it is well known potent but without the side effects such as anti-mosquito cream most.

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