How Prevent and Eliminate Gray Hair

causes, healthy hair, cancer, health

Your hair gray? It is a natural process as the aging process, but I'm still young but I have gray hair? If you ask like that there are many factors that can influence it, such as heredity. But I am troubled by this, because I was young? Well, now we find out the causes and how to treat gray hair at a young age.

Causes of gray hair is due to a shortage of production of melanin in the hair follicle. Melanin is the pigment that gives color to the hair and also serves to soften the hair. So if we are short hair melanin can cause loss of hair so dark level of gray hair.

Causes of Gray Hair at Young Age.
Causes and other factors of gray hair at a young age please read below:
Nutritional deficiencies, Kekeruangan vitamin B, Substance Copper, Iron and Iodine is a factor that causes the growth of gray hair, this usually occurs when we're doing the wrong diet, due to lack of nutrition when dieting.

Strees, cause this one also should avoid, because when we experience strees or anxiety can disrupt the supply of nutrients for hair health.
Health condition, health conditions unfavorable body can cause gray hair at a young age, such as vertiligo, anemia, thyroid imbalance and deficiency of vitamin B12.

Heredity, genes factor is penybabnya too, if your family has the same problem in your gray hair when they are young, then it can also be experienced by you.

Head Dirty and Oily skin, scalp conditions were dirty and greasy also can cause gray hair, because it can weaken the hair roots, so that the blood supply to the hair shaft is inhibited.

Heating excessive, often drying hair using a hair dryer or hair cleaning using hot water is not good for the health of your hair, it also can cause effects gray hair at a young age.

Once you know the cause of gray hair at a young age, you realize it turns out new gray hair is not only experienced by parents apparently can also be experienced by young children. Well below you can now cope with knowing how to eliminate the gray below.

How To Eliminate Gray Hair at Young Age.
1. The curry leaves, a natural ingredient to eliminate gray hair at a young age, because the benefits of curry leaves is to maintain the strength of hair and maintain the vitality of the hair. How to use it is a mix of coconut oil and curry leaves then bring to a boil, strain the oil, let cool and apply on the scalp.

2. Fruit Pumpkin, you can take advantage of a pumpkin because these fruits contain a great benefit to restore the hair pigment. How to use it pumpkin basking in the sun to dry, soak together coconut oil for 3-4 hours, then boiled pumpkin until blackened residue, cool, then massage and apply a pumpkin residue on the scalp.

3. Spinach Leaf Extract juice, this way you can re-black hair and accelerate the growth of new hair. The way to prepare fresh spinach leaves, then you juice, then apply on the scalp and hair.

4. Using rambutan leaf.

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